Law Office of<br />
Erlinda Ocampo Johnson

Law Office of
Erlinda Ocampo Johnson 

Personal Injury Law
Criminal Defense Law

PRACTICE AREAS: Personal Injury, Wrongful Death, and Criminal Defense

Heroin Drug Charge Defense Lawyer Albuquerque

Because of the level of addiction associated with heroin, associated drug crimes are taken very seriously by drug laws and law enforcement. If you have been charged with a heroin-related drug crime in ABQ, NM, strong representation from the criminal law firm of Erlinda Ocampo Johnson is your best defense.Gavel and Scales

Heroin-Related Drug Crimes and Consequences

Heroin is considered to be one of the most dangerous illegal substances, and the law reflects that danger. Drug crimes related to heroin include:

Penalties if convicted for any of the crimes above can result in prison time, substantial fines and a damaging criminal record.

Albuquerque Drug Criminal Defense

When you have been accused of a heroin-related drug crime in Albuquerque, Ms. Johnson is an experienced drug crime lawyer who will put her experience and skill into your defense. Her many years of criminal defense coupled with over a decade serving in the state and federal prosecutors’ offices gives her the knowledge to build a strong defense on your behalf.

In every drug crime case, Ms. Johnson confers with HR Legal Consultants. HR Legal Consultants provides an expert to consult on your case, usually a former federal narcotics law enforcement agent who will analyze the case against you. The expert consultation is built into your fee.

If you have been accused of a heroin-related drug crime in Albuquerque, contact the drug crime defense lawyer at the Law Office of Erlinda Ocampo Johnson, LLC for a skilled and fearless defense.

Call 505.792.4048 today for a free consultation.
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The Law Office of Erlinda Ocampo Johnson does not handle any case involving crimes against children or minors.

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