Law Office of<br />
Erlinda Ocampo Johnson

Law Office of
Erlinda Ocampo Johnson 

Personal Injury Law
Criminal Defense Law

PRACTICE AREAS: Personal Injury, Wrongful Death, and Criminal Defense

White Collar Forgery Criminal Defense – Albuquerque

Albuquerque Forgery AttorneyIf you have been charged with forgery, you face a difficult and time-consuming legal process with the chance of serious consequences at the end. Don’t face the charge alone. Contact the Law Office of Erlinda Ocampo Johnson, LLC for an experienced and aggressive white collar criminal defense attorney in Albuquerque.

Forgery and the Law

The law regards forgery as the process of making, adapting or imitating documents or objects for financial gain. As a type of fraud crime, forgery is considered to be willful deception and does not include sanctioned replicas, copies and reproductions.

According to the law, forgery can include:

  • Signing another person’s name on a legal document
  • Creating false contracts
  • Altering identifying documents
  • Falsifying records

To be considered a criminal act, the forgery must have legal significance.

Consequences of a forgery conviction could include heavy fines and extended time in prison. As a type of fraud, forgery penalties such as fines and/or time spent in prison depend upon the amount of money involved, as well as other unique factors of the case.

Strong ABQ White Collar Criminal Defense on Your Behalf

The best defense is a strong defense when you have been accused of forgery. Experienced Albuquerque criminal defense attorney Erlinda Ocampo Johnson has many years of experience in both state and federal courts upon which to draw in your defense. If you need a strong fraud defense, contact the Law Office of Erlinda Ocampo Johson, LLC for thorough and fearless representation.

Call 505.792.4048 today for a free consultation.
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The Law Office of Erlinda Ocampo Johnson does not handle any case involving crimes against children or minors.

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