Law Office of<br />
Erlinda Ocampo Johnson

Law Office of
Erlinda Ocampo Johnson 

Personal Injury Law
Criminal Defense Law

PRACTICE AREAS: Personal Injury, Wrongful Death, and Criminal Defense

Albuquerque Drug Charges Defense Attorney

When you’ve been arrested for drug charges in New Mexico, the Law Office of Erlinda Ocampo Johnson, LLC will defend you with an aggressive, thoughtful defense of your future and your freedom.

Experience to Defend You

Because of its proximity to Mexico, law enforcement at both the state and federal levels come down particularly hard on individuals suspected of drug crimes. Drug charges and their accompanying penalties have the potential to be devastating.

Drug Charges FreedomMs. Johnson’s expertise on drug crimes has been informed by experience on both sides of the courtroom. In addition to her years as a criminal defense attorney, she also has over a decade of experience as both a state and federal prosecutor.

Having prosecuted a wide range of cases, Ms. Johnson has a thorough and extensive understanding of how a prosecutor builds a felony drug charge case. She will dissect a case to discover weaknesses that could lead to the suppression of evidence or even to the dismissal of charges. She uses these discoveries to achieve the best results for her clients for both state drug charges and federal drug charges.

Ms. Johnson has experience defending clients facing federal drug charges, including:

On all Albuquerque drug cases, Ms. Johnson works in partnership with HR Legal Consultants. They provide an expert to consult on your drug case, usually a former federal narcotics law enforcement agent who will analyze the case against you. The expert consultation is built into your fee.

When you’ve been accused of a drug crime in New Mexico, contact The Law Office of Erlinda Ocampo Johnson, LLC. You will have representation from an experienced and fearless Albuquerque criminal defense attorney who understands drug laws and how to build effective drug charge defense cases.

Call 505.792.4048 today for a free consultation.
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The Law Office of Erlinda Ocampo Johnson does not handle any case involving crimes against children or minors.

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